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截單日: 12月5日
預計到貨日: 1月初
洗衫甩色點算好?😫以前就話分開機洗,依個仲邊有人咁做咖😎依家人人都會用吸色紙,但款式咁多應該點選擇?今日介紹一款好多用家都話好嘅防染吸色紙。佢就係📢DoDoME - 殺菌薰衣草香味吸色紙50片! 📢
✅高效抗菌99%,吸色殺菌1 TAKE 過
- 日常洗衣放置1-2片
- 可根據衣物脫色程度,適當增加片數,靛藍染色織物及氨綸染色織物不適用
◾淺色衣服混洗: 1-2片 30L
◾ 深淺衣服混洗: 2-3片 40L
◾ 40L 以上嚴重脫色衣物的,請增加或分開洗
規格: 50片/包,3包(150片)/套
^ 貨期或受船運/空運延誤影響,恕不接受貨期延誤原因取消訂單,下單前敬請諒留意。
Free local shipping for any purchase (after discount) over $600
1. double-sided sticker on back can attach to the surface directly
2. Please dry the surface to prevent falling off before attaching
3. Uneven or damp surfaces may reduce the adhesion force
4. Stop using the air conditioner before installing
5. Do not install on the power socket
6. Stick the product on air inlet of the air conditioner
7. Suitable for both window and split air conditioner
- Keep out of reach of children
- Due to the characteristics of this product, you may smell the peculiar smell when opening or installing it for a period of time. Smell will disappear after then and will not affect the quality
- The duration of the effect may vary depends on the conditions of use
- Depending on the situation, when the amount of organic matter is abnormally high, it will take longer time to show the effect
- Do not use it in combination with products withe high sterilization and antibacterial effects
- The Effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace a new one every 3-month
- The product inhibits the growth of mold, but the pigment of mold cannot be removed. And effect may be different depending on the environment
- It may fall off due to uneven surfaces and the material of the pasted parts. Diuble-sided sticker may remain on the adhesion point
- Do not use it for purposes other than the intended purpose
LED燈芯: 暖白光及擬真藍光燭火LED
電池: LR44/ 1.5V * 3(需自備電池)
工作時間: 20小時左右
尺寸: 約90 x 90 x 138mm
淨重: 約 25g
產品內容: 電子蠟燭燈(含底盤、底座、燭台) x 1、0~9數字及各角色造型壓克力 各 x 1
❗ 注意事項❗
- 功能保固不包括人為損壞,外觀零件保固僅限新品瑕疵 (請妥善保存保固證書及購買憑證)
- 壓克力片放置於孔洞時,請直上直下操作,勿折彎以避免腳柱斷裂
- 電子蠟燭為聲觸式,感應較敏銳,如在電源啟動的狀態下,拔插壓克力角色,蠟燭燈會點亮或熄滅,屬感應正常非故障情形
- 本產品不適合8歲以下兒童單獨使用
- 本產品內含小物件,慎防吞食小零件,避免窒息危險
材質: PVC、水晶、金屬
水晶燈尺寸: 52 x 39 x 99mm
重量: 約 100g
電池: 鋰電池 180mAh
充電功率: DC 5V/180mA
使用功率: 3.7 V/20mA
充電時間: 1~2小時
手電筒色溫: 暖色光
充電指示燈: 暖白燈(充電時恆亮,充飽後熄滅)
使用時間: 充滿電可連續使用8小時(手電筒模式) /可持續亮燈(USB供電模式)
產地: 台灣
1. double-sided sticker on back can attach to the surface directly
2. Please dry the surface to prevent falling off before attaching
3. Uneven or damp surfaces may reduce the adhesion force
4. Stop using the air conditioner before installing
5. Do not install on the power socket
6. Stick the product on air inlet of the air conditioner
7. Suitable for both window and split air conditioner
- Keep out of reach of children
- Due to the characteristics of this product, you may smell the peculiar smell when opening or installing it for a period of time. Smell will disappear after then and will not affect the quality
- The duration of the effect may vary depends on the conditions of use
- Depending on the situation, when the amount of organic matter is abnormally high, it will take longer time to show the effect
- Do not use it in combination with products withe high sterilization and antibacterial effects
- The Effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace a new one every 3-month
- The product inhibits the growth of mold, but the pigment of mold cannot be removed. And effect may be different depending on the environment
- It may fall off due to uneven surfaces and the material of the pasted parts. Diuble-sided sticker may remain on the adhesion point
- Do not use it for purposes other than the intended purpose
截單日: 12月5日
預計到貨日: 1月初
洗衫甩色點算好?😫以前就話分開機洗,依個仲邊有人咁做咖😎依家人人都會用吸色紙,但款式咁多應該點選擇?今日介紹一款好多用家都話好嘅防染吸色紙。佢就係📢DoDoME - 殺菌薰衣草香味吸色紙50片! 📢
✅高效抗菌99%,吸色殺菌1 TAKE 過
- 日常洗衣放置1-2片
- 可根據衣物脫色程度,適當增加片數,靛藍染色織物及氨綸染色織物不適用
◾淺色衣服混洗: 1-2片 30L
◾ 深淺衣服混洗: 2-3片 40L
◾ 40L 以上嚴重脫色衣物的,請增加或分開洗
規格: 50片/包,3包(150片)/套
^ 貨期或受船運/空運延誤影響,恕不接受貨期延誤原因取消訂單,下單前敬請諒留意。
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