Future Lab未來實驗室 Freezone LX 零負重背包
Future Lab 最新款設計嘅零負重包LX🎒令您慳力💪🏼多60%、多20%的收納空間。
- 背部力學H型極軟綿墊,慳力60%
- 內部分層設計,更有效利用空間,比一般背囊多出20%空間
- 底部銀離子抗菌擴大層,利用保溫保冷防水物料可放飯盒凍飲
- 外層奈米牛津紡防潑水物質
- 雙D扣固定帶 , 掛邊都穩定
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Free local shipping for any purchase (after discount) over $600
尺寸: 48 x 33cm
重量: 740g
容量: 12L
最高承重: 10kg
產品材質: 聚酯纖維、尼龍、USB線
USB線長度: 76cm
顏色: 黑色、灰色
Momax PILLS LITE 3 真無線耳機 BT11
39 x 16.3 x 18mm (耳機)
69.5 x 56.5 x 27.8mm (耳機盒)
重量: 49g±5g (耳機及耳機盒)
顏色: 黑色,白色
Pills Lite 3 真無線耳機
USB-C to USB-A 充電線 (30cm)
Infothink 智慧擬真電子蠟燭燈...
LED燈芯: 暖白光及擬真藍光燭火LED
電池: LR44/ 1.5V * 3(需自備電池)
工作時間: 20小時左右
尺寸: 約90 x 90 x 138mm
淨重: 約 25g
產品內容: 電子蠟燭燈(含底盤、底座、燭台) x 1、0~9數字及各角色造型壓克力 各 x 1
❗ 注意事項❗
- 功能保固不包括人為損壞,外觀零件保固僅限新品瑕疵 (請妥善保存保固證書及購買憑證)
- 壓克力片放置於孔洞時,請直上直下操作,勿折彎以避免腳柱斷裂
- 電子蠟燭為聲觸式,感應較敏銳,如在電源啟動的狀態下,拔插壓克力角色,蠟燭燈會點亮或熄滅,屬感應正常非故障情形
- 本產品不適合8歲以下兒童單獨使用
- 本產品內含小物件,慎防吞食小零件,避免窒息危險
BIO Long-acting...
- This Product prevents the production of mold and does not mean mold can be completely removed.
- The effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace it after 6 months of use.
- Anti-mold is a kind of organism and the effect may be different depends on the environment.
- In order to avoid mold necrosis, please do not use with other chemical insecticides or dehumidifiers. Do not use this product with detergents or medicines, and do not use insecticides in indoor places where this product is installed. Please take this product out of the room before using insecticide.
- This product is exclusively for wardrobes and cabinet barrels, please do not use it in other occasions.
- Please do not place it where infants and young children can reach.
- Please keep away from fire, high temperature and direct sunlight.
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