SANG A 最新款瘦身益生菌上線,可以起到減肥瘦身的效果哦!
- SANG A的產品基本已經是韓國家喻戶曉必備的產品了
- 韓國銷量名列前茅的益生菌品牌,質量、信心雙重保證
- 含有10億CFU高哈量益生菌以及添加了藤黃果提取物成分
- 獨立包裝,出門攜帶方便
- 不含任何人工添加劑和色素
- 有效改善腸胃功能
🔶 藤黃果成份有助阻止吸收碳水化合物轉換成脂肪
🔶 幫助排便,改善便秘問題
🔶 產生飽足感 抑制食慾
🔶 抑制腸道有害菌
食用方法: 每日1-2次,1次1包
食用期: 2024年11月
Free local shipping for any purchase (after discount) over $600
Design to be used to spray in aerosol format, to areas and environments which are suspected to serve as a breeding ground for the spread of infectious disease, likely to result in epidemics or pandemics.
Dermodacyn is medical grade and used in hospitals worldwide and is used in many operating theatres to keep doctors and patients protected and safe.
· 100% Natural
· No antibiotics
· No steriods
· No alcohol
· Non-irritating, non-staining, non-toxic
Ingredients: Water, Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Hypochlorous Acid
**We are designated distributor for Dermodacyn’s products**
材質: 鋼板,PU, ABS塑膠
尺寸: 40x21x14.5厘米
顏色: 粉紅色
Design to be used to spray in aerosol format, to areas and environments which are suspected to serve as a breeding ground for the spread of infectious disease, likely to result in epidemics or pandemics.
Dermodacyn is medical grade and used in hospitals worldwide and is used in many operating theatres to keep doctors and patients protected and safe.
· 100% Natural
· No antibiotics
· No steriods
· No alcohol
· Non-irritating, non-staining, non-toxic
Ingredients: Water, Sodium Sulfate, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Chloride, Hypochlorous Acid
**We are designated distributor for Dermodacyn’s products**
SANG A 最新款瘦身益生菌上線,可以起到減肥瘦身的效果哦!
- SANG A的產品基本已經是韓國家喻戶曉必備的產品了
- 韓國銷量名列前茅的益生菌品牌,質量、信心雙重保證
- 含有10億CFU高哈量益生菌以及添加了藤黃果提取物成分
- 獨立包裝,出門攜帶方便
- 不含任何人工添加劑和色素
- 有效改善腸胃功能
🔶 藤黃果成份有助阻止吸收碳水化合物轉換成脂肪
🔶 幫助排便,改善便秘問題
🔶 產生飽足感 抑制食慾
🔶 抑制腸道有害菌
食用方法: 每日1-2次,1次1包
食用期: 2024年11月
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