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截單日: 10月30日
預計到貨日: 12月中
✨多年研究與革新的搓澡巾 連韓國當地人都愛不釋手
✨試試看這款韓國奶奶推薦的搓澡巾 專用布料材質~!!
🛀🏻夠柔軟!! 夠輕鬆!! 夠乾淨!! 夠舒服!!
規格: 1套5條,顏色隨機
產地: 韓國
* 顏色可能會因網頁呈現與拍攝關係產生色差,圖片僅供參考,實物為準。
^ 貨品之貨期或受船運/空運延誤影響,恕不接受貨期延誤原因取消訂單,下單前敬請留意。
Free local shipping for any purchase (after discount) over $600
- This Product prevents the production of mold and does not mean mold can be completely removed.
- The effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace it after 6 months of use.
- Anti-mold is a kind of organism and the effect may be different depends on the environment.
- In order to avoid mold necrosis, please do not use with other chemical insecticides or dehumidifiers. Do not use this product with detergents or medicines, and do not use insecticides in indoor places where this product is installed. Please take this product out of the room before using insecticide.
- This product is exclusively for bathroom, please do not use it in other occasions.
- Please do not place it where infants and young children can reach.
- Please keep away from fire, high temperature and direct sunlight.
重量: 804g
尺寸: 153 x 153 x 291mm
亮度: 20-1,000Lm
LED色溫: 3,500-1,500K (±15%)
電池: LG 鋰離子 9,600mAh
使用時間: 最小亮度100小時; 最大亮度7小時
充電時間: 4hrs
輸入/輸出: Type-C 5V 2.4A
防水/防塵等級: IP54
顏色: 雲白色、銅棕色
產品機身、專屬小袋、S-hook、Type-C to C cable、使用說明書
S size: 23 x 19 x 20 cm
M size: 24 x 19 x 20 cm
S Size: 粉紅、灰色
M size: 灰色、黑色
- This Product prevents the production of mold and does not mean mold can be completely removed.
- The effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace it after 6 months of use.
- Anti-mold is a kind of organism and the effect may be different depends on the environment.
- In order to avoid mold necrosis, please do not use with other chemical insecticides or dehumidifiers. Do not use this product with detergents or medicines, and do not use insecticides in indoor places where this product is installed. Please take this product out of the room before using insecticide.
- This product is exclusively for bathroom, please do not use it in other occasions.
- Please do not place it where infants and young children can reach.
- Please keep away from fire, high temperature and direct sunlight.
截單日: 10月30日
預計到貨日: 12月中
✨多年研究與革新的搓澡巾 連韓國當地人都愛不釋手
✨試試看這款韓國奶奶推薦的搓澡巾 專用布料材質~!!
🛀🏻夠柔軟!! 夠輕鬆!! 夠乾淨!! 夠舒服!!
規格: 1套5條,顏色隨機
產地: 韓國
* 顏色可能會因網頁呈現與拍攝關係產生色差,圖片僅供參考,實物為準。
^ 貨品之貨期或受船運/空運延誤影響,恕不接受貨期延誤原因取消訂單,下單前敬請留意。
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