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德國 Aeroxon 衣魚書蟲盒 (3盒/套)
✂️ 截單日: 7月14日
📦 預計到貨日: 8月中
輕輕鬆鬆同衣魚蟲講 bye bye👋🏻祇需打開放置於家中任何角落,衣魚書蟲食咗誘餌之後,過幾日便會唔見哂,一盒有效期約3個月~
建議擺放地點:衣櫃/ 書櫃/ 雜物櫃/ 木櫃
喜歡咬爛書籍、吃澱粉、紙類、膠質, 所以在廚房和浴室都會見到佢地
1. 用硬物在外盒側面的穿孔處上壓出凹洞
2. 將盒子放在衣魚出沒地點
3. 衣魚將在幾天內死於藏身之地
產品到期日 : 2028年4月 (*產品包裝上並無標示到期日)
• 顏色可能會因網頁呈現與拍攝關係產生色差,圖片僅供參考,實物為準。
• 所有商品說明中提及之最佳有效期僅供參考,時長因應運輸等因素變化,實際以包裝上說明為準。
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SENKI Mirror II 便攜掛頸冷暖器
BIO Long-acting...
- This Product prevents the production of mold and does not mean mold can be completely removed.
- The effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace it after 6 months of use.
- Anti-mold is a kind of organism and the effect may be different depends on the environment.
- In order to avoid mold necrosis, please do not use with other chemical insecticides or dehumidifiers. Do not use this product with detergents or medicines, and do not use insecticides in indoor places where this product is installed. Please take this product out of the room before using insecticide.
- This product is exclusively for wardrobes and cabinet barrels, please do not use it in other occasions.
- Please do not place it where infants and young children can reach.
- Please keep away from fire, high temperature and direct sunlight.
Future Lab未來實驗室 7D氣壓避震背墊
尺寸: 42 x 39 cm
重量: 1.2kg
產品材質: 主體-ABS,背墊布料-90%滌綸萊卡、10%氨綸,聚氨酯海綿
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