- Out-of-Stock
- 雙重過濾,防止餘氯刺激與傷害肌膚,保護頭皮及秀髮
- 外層高密度過濾物料有效阻隔自來水中微細雜質、有害物、異味
- 內層抗菌球可360度吸收自來水中99.9%會傷害皮膚的餘氯
- 可拆卸式設計,方便清洗花灑頭內部及更換濾芯
- 3種出水效果可供選擇,享受淋浴同時更可節約用水
- 120個微細噴射式出水孔可提升水壓,可替肌膚按摩減壓
- 12個霧化出水孔孔可將自來水霧化,令肌膚更易吸收水份
- 透明手抦可視濾芯狀態,每枝濾芯可使用1-3個月
- 隨盒附4枝濾芯,另備濾芯可供選購替換
- 韓國製造
# 濾芯可使用時間視乎自來水受污染情況而定
# 如自來水水壓偏低會影響出水效果
# 儲水式熱水爐用戶不建議使用
Free local shipping for any purchase (after discount) over $600
- This Product prevents the production of mold and does not mean mold can be completely removed.
- The effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace it after 6 months of use.
- Anti-mold is a kind of organism and the effect may be different depends on the environment.
- In order to avoid mold necrosis, please do not use with other chemical insecticides or dehumidifiers. Do not use this product with detergents or medicines, and do not use insecticides in indoor places where this product is installed. Please take this product out of the room before using insecticide.
- This product is exclusively for bathroom, please do not use it in other occasions.
- Please do not place it where infants and young children can reach.
- Please keep away from fire, high temperature and direct sunlight.
產地: 台灣
❌ 避免在下雨天施工
⭕ 維持屋內透氣通風
🌟 針對修復牆面非常有效,且具有防水效果,但無法修復牆壁內部問題
🌟 如遇較嚴重凹洞或掉漆,可視情況增加用量,重複步驟操作
輸入電壓電流: DC 5V / 0.3~0.5A
額定功率: 0.15W~0.18W
充電電池: 3.7V / 300mAh
使用時間: 10~27小時
尺寸: 約96 x 96 x 122mm
重量: 約180g
材質: 鐵、塑膠、矽膠
1. 擠出適量修補膏至需要修補區域
2. 將修補膏用刮板均勻刮平,等待乾固
3. 乾固後使用極細砂紙輕輕打磨平整即可
4. 乾固時間視天氣情況、用量多寡及面積大小,無準確時間
5. 如遇較嚴重牆壁損傷,請重複1-3步驟
❌ 避免在下雨天施工
⭕️ 維持屋內透氣通風
💡 針對修復牆面非常有效,且具有防水效果,但無法修復牆壁內部問題
💡 如遇較嚴重凹洞或掉漆,可視情況增加用量,重複步驟操作
1. 遠離兒童及眼睛,切勿吞食
2. 請遠離火源,放置陰涼處
3. 勿對人體及動物使用
- This Product prevents the production of mold and does not mean mold can be completely removed.
- The effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace it after 6 months of use.
- Anti-mold is a kind of organism and the effect may be different depends on the environment.
- In order to avoid mold necrosis, please do not use with other chemical insecticides or dehumidifiers. Do not use this product with detergents or medicines, and do not use insecticides in indoor places where this product is installed. Please take this product out of the room before using insecticide.
- This product is exclusively for bathroom, please do not use it in other occasions.
- Please do not place it where infants and young children can reach.
- Please keep away from fire, high temperature and direct sunlight.
產地: 台灣
❌ 避免在下雨天施工
⭕ 維持屋內透氣通風
🌟 針對修復牆面非常有效,且具有防水效果,但無法修復牆壁內部問題
🌟 如遇較嚴重凹洞或掉漆,可視情況增加用量,重複步驟操作
- 雙重過濾,防止餘氯刺激與傷害肌膚,保護頭皮及秀髮
- 外層高密度過濾物料有效阻隔自來水中微細雜質、有害物、異味
- 內層抗菌球可360度吸收自來水中99.9%會傷害皮膚的餘氯
- 可拆卸式設計,方便清洗花灑頭內部及更換濾芯
- 3種出水效果可供選擇,享受淋浴同時更可節約用水
- 120個微細噴射式出水孔可提升水壓,可替肌膚按摩減壓
- 12個霧化出水孔孔可將自來水霧化,令肌膚更易吸收水份
- 透明手抦可視濾芯狀態,每枝濾芯可使用1-3個月
- 隨盒附4枝濾芯,另備濾芯可供選購替換
- 韓國製造
# 濾芯可使用時間視乎自來水受污染情況而定
# 如自來水水壓偏低會影響出水效果
# 儲水式熱水爐用戶不建議使用
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