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蟲草大王 蟲草19 (60粒裝)
截單日: 4月20日
預計到貨日: 5月初
限時優惠🎁 每買三盒贈送10粒贈品裝乙份 (送完即止)
✅ 有效紓緩以下長新冠及感冒後主要症狀
✅ 紓緩持續氣促、乾咳、喉嚨乾痕
✅ 消除極度疲倦感
✅ 提升免疫力及改善失眠問題
✅ 增強肺部及呼吸系統健康
▪ 紓緩呼吸系統不適
▪ 紓緩上呼吸道之不適如氣促及氣管敏感引致的乾咳
▪ 提升免疫力及改善失眠問題
▪ 含豐富蛋白質、多醣體及維他命,有助健腦益腎,更可養心安神,使入睡更佳
▪ 消除極度疲倦感
▪ 魚腥草具抑菌功效;綠茶素具有強勁清除自由基,並有效消除疲勞感
食用方法: 口服,每日1-2次,每次2粒,飯後服
培植蟲草CS-4, 黃芪, 酸棗仁, 姬松茸,魚腥草,綠茶素,鐵皮石斛,硬脂酸鎂 (防凝劑)
規格: 60粒/樽
最佳食用期: 2025/01 (最新批次),最少一年以上(以包裝為準)
儲存方式: 請存放於陰涼乾燥處,避免雪藏及陽光直射。
請注意: 由於內含成分屬天然,因此產品之顏色略有深淺
原產地: 香港
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Free local shipping for any purchase (after discount) over $600
GOCIT BIO Smell-remove &...
1. double-sided sticker on back can attach to the surface directly
2. Please dry the surface to prevent falling off before attaching
3. Uneven or damp surfaces may reduce the adhesion force
4. Stop using the air conditioner before installing
5. Do not install on the power socket
6. Stick the product on air inlet of the air conditioner
7. Suitable for both window and split air conditioner
- Keep out of reach of children
- Due to the characteristics of this product, you may smell the peculiar smell when opening or installing it for a period of time. Smell will disappear after then and will not affect the quality
- The duration of the effect may vary depends on the conditions of use
- Depending on the situation, when the amount of organic matter is abnormally high, it will take longer time to show the effect
- Do not use it in combination with products withe high sterilization and antibacterial effects
- The Effect will be slightly different with the time of use. It is recommended to replace a new one every 3-month
- The product inhibits the growth of mold, but the pigment of mold cannot be removed. And effect may be different depending on the environment
- It may fall off due to uneven surfaces and the material of the pasted parts. Diuble-sided sticker may remain on the adhesion point
- Do not use it for purposes other than the intended purpose
Hururu Sha-Bu! 五合一寵物廢毛梳
尺寸: W11.5 x H18.5 cm
材質: ABS、TPR、不鏽鋼
重量: 136g
產品配件: 整毛梳/紓壓梳/洗澡梳/開結梳/打薄梳
產地: 中國
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