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Hayaku Opus 迷你同屏投影機

$638.00 $998.00

成像技術: TFT LCD

物理分辦率: 800 X 480

支持分辦率: 1920 X 1080

光源: LED

投影距離: 1.2 - 5m

投影比例: 1.62:1

屏幕比例: 16:9

輸入接口: HDMI / USB / Micro SD / AV / Micro USB

輸出接口: 耳機

產品淨重: 0.5kg

產品尺寸: 117.8 x 133.4 x 94.9mm

電源: 適配器 12V - 2.5A

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Hi Hip Posture Correction Seat

$378.00 $398.00

          Five features of "hi hip seat correction chair back"


 [Leverage principle design]

When you sit on hi hip cushion, tail bone will rise naturally and pressure on the spine will be relieved The core muscles in the center of the body will be corrected at the same time.


The backrest naturally pushes the thoracic spine forward through the principle of leverage to maintain the correct sitting posture, effectively reducing the pressure on the spine and joints.


 [Ergonomic and highly elastic material design]

The design and materials of the Hi hip cushion are more comfortable and more natural to support your waist. The weight is up to 200 kg, and it will keep you in the correct sitting posture for a long time.


 [Improve disc imbalance]

Our design is considerate of your disc, allowing you to sit in the most natural posture.


 [Double-layer structure cushion and fabric]

It supports the waist softly and firmly, increasing the fit between the body and the cushion.


 [Sturdy but light]: Hi hip cushion is light and easy to use in different positions such as work chairs and sofas


Suitable For:


-      8-year-old Children or above / overweight person up to 200lbs

-      Students and people who sit too much daily

-      People who sit in the office/home for a long time;

-      Students who need to establish correct sitting posture and grow up;

-      Pregnant women, people with back pain, shoulder and neck pain or low back pain (please consult your doctor before use);

-      Drivers, meditating, people who have started to have back problems, etc.

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Infothink 可愛暖桌無缐充電座...

$299.00 $318.00

一般輸入: DC 5V/1A~2A

一般輸出: 5V/1A~1.5A (5W~7.5W)

快充輸入: 9V/2A

快充輸出: 9V/1.1A (10W)

支援QC 3.0快充輸入


指示燈功能: 充電時舒緩閃爍、待機時恆亮

尺寸: 約115 x 115 x 80 mm(依款式而不同)

重量: 約120g

材質: ABS、絨毛

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9135 5742

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